Friday, June 6, 2008

Creative Thinking 3

7. Nesting
Nesting means putting one thing inside another like fitting things together in some way. An object which is contained within another object is protected and makes the overall device smaller.

8. Counterweight
When a system results in an undesirable force in one direction, a counterweight is a deliberate change to balance out or improve the situation by acting in the opposite direction.

9. Prior Counteraction
When you know that an undesirable situation is going to happen, you may be able to do something ahead of when it would occur, either to prevent it from happening or to reduce the impact that might be felt when it does happen.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Creative Thinking 2

Today i'll discribe alot of TRIZ principles 4,5,6:
4. Asymmetry
we are often attracted to symmetry, which leads us to not question whether asymmetry may be more useful. Symmetrical objects are often easier to manufacture, but may not be the most useful design. To use asymmetry, make uniform objects asymmetrical;Fashion designers use asymmetry to create a wide range of interesting styles.

5. Combination
The principle of combination is bring together things which happen at the same time or in the same place. This can mean doing things in parallel .Combination gives you the opportunity to simplify!

6. Universality
Universality is used where objects can perform multiple functions.It is particularly useful where you can eliminate an object by having another object perform the same function

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Improve your innovative thinking

TRIZ principles
The 40 TRIZ principles are known solutions to solve contradictions.
Using these known solutions in new problems can bring innovative solutions!

1. Segmentation
Segmentation means to separate problem into smaller parts.
increase the degree of fragmentation until you reach to an object easy to resolve.

2. Extraction

Extraction means to take out or separate something, such as removing a painful tooth or singling out the critical parts of a system.

Sometimes simply placing a bad part of the system in a different place lessens the bad effect or removes it completely.

Seek the value of different parts or aspects. Low-value items may be eliminated or high-value items may be extracted and used elsewhere in different circumstances.

3. Local Quality

Do not assume that the current placing or usage of parts cannot be changed--

the reasons may be buried in history or may be more for manufacturing convenience than for the value they give in operation.

Local Quality means to single out specific parts and then to change them or place them in an environment such that they are optimally useful.

Monday, May 26, 2008

why this blog

salamo 3lykom , this my blog . i created it to achieve goals like:

1. advertise my self,education,experiences, skills and so on.
2. exchange information and knowledge about web development .
3. recognize someone's in my career
4. help other's to solve problems in programming.